3:30 a.m. Police officer knocks on the door
3:32 a.m. Noah wakes me up.
3:32:30 a.m. A disoriented and a disgruntled wife gets out of bed(that's me).
3:32:33 a.m. "Are you sure that that officer was a real officer and not just someone impersonating an officer?" I say.
3:33 a.m. I look out the window and see standing water.
3:33:01 a.m. Objects and valuables begin to be moved from floor/bottom shelves to the bed and the couch. That was the last time I saw my fabulous bed that morning.
4:00 a.m. Husband, wife, father-in-law, and neighbors sit outside their cars watching the flood of water invade their home.
5:00 a.m. With no chance of sleep all parties head to IHOP.
5:50 a.m. We leave IHOP.
6:00 a.m. Arriving home the waters have receded and we go in to asess the damage.
6:05 a.m. I arrive at work.
Noah and several men from the ward begin cleaning up the 2 inches of water on the floor. I continue to work.
8:00 a.m. I hold an IEP meeting.
8:40 a.m. School starts.
11:40 a.m. Lunch with Jeannette at Wendy's (Oh thank goodness for Jeannette)
3:15 p.m. I finish planning for my second IEP that day.
3:30 p.m. Second IEP meeting is supposed to start.
3:35 p.m. Parent doesn't show up and we hold the meeting anyway.
4:00 p.m. I start walking home.
4:10 p.m. I arrive home, change and more people show up.
4:30 p.m. Noah hits a car(which failed to yield the right-of-way, the other car, not Noah).
4:40 p.m. Woman shows up at my house informing me my husband has been in an accident, but he's OK.
5:00 p.m. I return home to supervise moving everything we own in to the bathroom, kitchen, or front yard.
5:15 p.m. Landlord informs us the storage unit closes in 1 hr. 15 min. and there is still stuff everywhere.
5:20 p.m. Autumn runs to take pictures of the car accident for me.
6:20 p.m. All carpets are clear and everything is in my kitchen or bathroom.
6:25 p.m. We leave for the storage unit to put larger items inside.
7:00 p.m. We get back to the house and are informed everything needs to be moved away from the walls.
7:30 p.m. The trailer is loaded.
8:00 p.m. Everyone leaves and we unhook the trailer.
8:10 p.m. I eat a bowl of cereal.
8:15 p.m. Noah eats a bowl.
9:00 p.m. We drop off the truck in Mapleton.
9:25 p.m. We arrive at Bekah and Joel's.
So that's it. That's my day. After all of it, all I can think about is that I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The moment that people found out about our house they came running. We had a ward of people that responded instantaneously. I am overwhelmed by the kindness and love. We could have NEVER done all of it on our own.
Becky! That is crazy!! Let me know if you guys need anything!
What a day! I'm sorry!!!
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