Saturday, May 15, 2010

One Year Older and Not Too Much Wiser

This week marks the first year of marriage. We're headed up to Park City on the 21st for our whirlpool suite. FANTASTIC!

Anyway I thought you might like to see some of this year's statistics:

2 cross country trips
2 nights total spent away from each other(every night away was with Esther)
1 gallbladder removed
1 very strange lump in my armpit that now itches
1 new tent and
2 camping trips
0 Babies
12 pregnancy scares :)
1 totaled scooter
6 jobs(all at the same time)
2 successful Farmer's Markets
15,000,000 spiders, earwigs, centipedes, and rolly-polies
3 bee attacks
1 flooded hallway
1 broken window
1 collapsed chair and 1 sore bum
1 complete set of china
3 broken glasses and 1 broken bowl
1 large bag of toilet paper from Costco(yes, only 1)

and you might puke at this one, but...

365 days of pure joy.


Anne Adele said...

I love how you keep track of the year. Congratulations on your anniversary. I remember how much fun your wedding time was. I loved traveling to Maryland and being there for your wedding. Your wedding was perfect. In fact it was like two weeks of fun, and good times.

Jessica said...

I think your number for nights apart might be came to my wedding without Noah....

Josh and Laura said...

Loved the post! You definitely got an "Oh Becky" out of me. But I have to bag of toilet paper? One? For the whole year?

La Esposa said...

Feliz Aniversario!!!!

You crack me up. I heart you...

Mrs.Racer said...

So Cute :) I LOve your Year :) Happy Anniversary my dear!! I'm soooo happy for you <3