Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

I suppose it's time for an update on the life of Becky Freaking Whipple.  This weekend Noah and I went to Laura's opening reception which had excellent food, people, and extremely excellent artwork.  We had a good time at the other show as well where I pulled a flyer off of the wall to participate in.  Interactive exhibits are my favorite and mine is number 64:

Put on a puppet show for your friends about a story from your childhood.

I have a whole bunch of tube socks I'm really excited to cut apart.  What story I'm going to tell, I'm not sure yet.

Work at the office is good.  I interviewed for another full-time job, but it pays partly as commission and I've decided I make more at my job right now.  Rumor is the other secretary might have another job and that means I could go full time baby!

Some other exciting news...I'm going to Chicago for Christmas to meet Noah's family.  I'm pretty excited, I've never been to Chicago for an extended period of time.  Plus, I won't have to go a whole two weeks without seeing him.  I know, you think I'm pathetic, but well what can you do?

Also, I'm thinking about starting up a wedding invitation business via the Wilk Board.  Noah and I were brainstorming ideas, but I'm open to anything anyone has to say about what I should name the invite business.  I thought Inventive Invites...let me know what you think.  Well that's all for now.  Hope life is good in your neighborhood.


Naomi said...

I like Inventive Invites! It sounds great! You and Noah are so getting married! LOL!

Josh and Lar said...

thanks for coming to the show on Friday. It was soo soo good to see...and to meet Noah. Love you Becky!