Saturday, April 30, 2011

I climbed it!

I just want the world to know that I climbed a rock wall.

I thought I couldn't do it, but I DID (more than once)!

I am the mightiest!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Long Stretch

Noah and I took a trip down to New Mexico directly after graduating. It was an amazing trip filled with fun and food. We arrived in New Mexico late Friday and spent all day with the family who I don't see very often, but have a blast with every time I'm there. Saturday night Walt got married, which was of course the purpose of the visit and Noah and I packed up early to head to back to Utah for Easter dinner.

On the way back, right outside Monticello it started hailing pretty bad. What follows is a true account:

Becky: "Slow down Noah."

Noah lets off the gas, the car fishtails and Noah over-corrects. We begin to spin out of control.

Becky: "Turn the wheel in the direction of the tires."

Noah has no idea what direction we're headed but turns it all the way one way and hopes for the best. We spin around in a circle. The entire time Becky is saying, "It's ok, it's ok, it's ok, it's ok." When the car finally comes to a stop on the right side of the road we get out and look behind us:

Come to find out there was a girl several feet ahead who also ran into a ditch on the road. We're not sure when she ran off, but she had crossed traffic. I think that spin may have saved our lives. We were able to help the girl out of the ditch with the help of another couple and were on our way again.

I like to think of the whole experience as a tender mercy for both parties. She had two little kids in the back.

We arrived in Castle Dale ahead of schedule despite our mishap and feasted. Overall, I'd say it was a happy Easter Sunday.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ode to Noah

Dear Noah,

Thank you for graduating. You're such a stud and I'm glad everyday that I married you.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Oh Spring Break

Spring break is over. This is a very sad day.

In honor of one of the most wonderful weeks of my life here's a list of what I did:

-Slept when I wanted.
-Ate when and what I wanted (which of course included Tucanos, cookies, and lots of ice cream.)
-Cleaned my house when I wanted.
-Watched movies on YouTube when I wanted (which included almost all the new videos on the Mormon Channel and Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration (Yes, it's on YouTube!).)
-Bought what I wanted (A new sweater, $6 pants, a sequined tank, and Tangled.)
-Went to visit Esther when I wanted.
-Went to the gym when I didn't always want, but needed to go anyway because I was doing a whole lot of the second thing on my list.

One thing I did that I didn't want to do was get my cavities filled.

I wish that every week could be a week of whatever I wanted. Oh wait, that's this summer!
Only 5 more Mondays left!!!

I will most certainly miss these guys.

Yay for the first successful camping trip of the year.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Because I do everything Laura demands...

Drag 2011

This is for Laura (and everyone else). She demanded wedding pictures and now she demands a picture of Noah's piece. :) There's s picture here, but since that doesn't quite do it justice I've also uploaded a video.

And to answer Hannah and Sara, we had Cafe Rio, no pork and no pudding, but it was still delicious. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Best of Show

This is just to say that last night Noah and I attended an awards ceremony for the student art show on campus. Noah won...


(and a nice prize)

We celebrated by eating dinner in bed.
We live a luxurious life.