This is the pie. I took this "just in case" the pie didn't turn out. We used the cheap shortening to make this and it was SO gooey that I had difficulty rolling out the pie crust.
This sucker filled our home with delicious aromas while it baked.
This is what was leftover after I woke up from my nap.
P.S. So Noah and I watched "Taken"(see previous post) and at the very end as the story is wrapping up we see a gigantic furry spider scurry across our living room carpet. I was very upset that Noah only "took a couple of its legs off." I was so upset that Noah shook out the sheets before we got into bed that night. This morning I found 1 dead, very large spider in our kitchen, 1 large very much alive spider by our toilet, and a total of 3 earwigs in the shower. Ew.